Many of our MBA students know at the outset that they have what it takes to become successful business leaders or entrepreneurs. 他们只是不知道如何利用它. 他们需要的是亲历者的指引, 帮助发展和实现他们的天赋. 这就是我们的切入点. 在欧文的康考迪亚大学, 我们的MBA项目一直都有这样的学生, 不论人生阶段或职业.
这是一个将帮助你探索和完善你的才能的项目. 无论你是想在一家知名公司晋升,还是想自己创业, 你将学会实现它的方法. Our flexible and face-to-face program allows you to immediately start applying your education by concentrating on the practical side of business, 不忽视管理理论.
最重要的是,你会在我们的课堂上发现一个合作和协作的环境. 学生们建立的纽带有助于你在整个职业生涯中取得进步并持续下去. 而康考迪亚大学的MBA教授则是凭经验授课. 事实上, 当他们不在教室的时候, many are running successful businesses of their own throughout Orange County and the greater Los Angeles area. You will learn from instructors who want to share their insights by mentoring the next class of emerging business talent. 他们在这里帮助你为你的职业道路做好准备和装备,无论它通向哪里.